Website Designer

online sales and Internet driven leads

Ultimately, the most important aspect of a dealer’s online marketing strategy is their website. Although SEO efforts drive consumers to a dealer’s site, they do not generate sales. A dealer’s website is their primary source of online sales and Internet driven leads, which is why its development and maintenance is of such vital importance. Without a well designed website dealers cannot expect to gain business through online channels. Ensuring that your dealership’s site projects an image of competence and professionalism and contains valuable and pertinent car buying information is critical to its success. Automotive website designers have the skills, experience, and knowledge required to create high performing and reliable dealer sites, making them a vital addition to every dealership’s marketing team.

Generate Sales

Automotive websites require more than a sleek design and an eye-catching print to effectively retain visitors and generate sales. First and foremost dealer sites must be fundamentally optimized for search engine crawlers. Search engine optimization in this respect is about proper site coding, easy to follow site maps, fast load times, and other website functions. Before dealers can add inventory information or keyword rich content to their sites certain protocols must be in place. Search engines determine a site’s rank based on many factors, the most basic being functionality. If a search engine robot cannot effectively navigate your site or determine its purpose then SERP rankings will be adversely affected. Ensuring that your site is free of broken links, slow loading pages, and improperly coded tags and image descriptions can have a significant positive impact on site rank in addition to user experience. Automotive website designers constantly work to maintain dealer sites, improve search engine readability, and increase site rank.

Once a dealer’s website is optimized for search engine crawlers it must be optimized for user experience.


increase visitor retention

The primary focus of visitors on dealer websites is content. Well-written, comprehensive content provides visitors with the information they need to make important car buying decisions. By incorporating relevant, captivating, and informative content onto dealer sites automotive website designers will help them experience higher visitor retention, greater visibility, and increased sales.

Not only must sites contain valuable content, they must also effectively present said content to their visitors. By providing visitors with straightforward and bold headings, which act as a summation of subsequent information and can help direct visitors to the appropriate content, website designers can increase visitor retention and make it easier for customers to navigate dealer sites. Breaking content into smaller, more concise segments also improves user experience as it makes information easier to digest and follow. Automotive website designers know how best to display content to encourage its consumption by visitors, thereby increasing retention and driving sales.

Although the look and feel of a website is secondary to its content and functionality these factors still play a large role in visitor satisfaction and retention. Professional looking designs can instill greater confidence in site visitors who are seriously considering the purchase of a vehicle. Perception is everything, especially in the auto industry, and if a dealer’s website design is unimpressive or incomplete then prospective buyers will be less likely to lend them their business. Automotive website designers can create sites which project a competent and professional image and reflect their dealership’s distinct character. A dealer’s site is their key to success, which is why they must meet the highest standards on every possible level.

Effective marketing in today’s digital world means having a high performing, well-optimized, state-of-the-art website with a flawless design that draws in and retains prospective customers. With so many factors and variables involved in comprehensive site design the most efficient way to develop and sustain an optimal site is through the use of an automotive website designer. Their unmatched skills, knowledge, and experience allow them to create far more effective sites that aid in dealer marketing efforts. Proper site design leads to increased traffic, more conversions, and higher overall profits, making automotive website designers an invaluable asset to dealers everywhere.